The Big Bad Wolf of KGS takes on RoseDuke of South Africa!
The infamous Andy Liu, aka bigbadwolf, of KGS hit the Tygem scene today, playing three games in a row against some vicious 9d opponents. Of the three games, his first match against the well-known Victor Chow, aka RoseDuke, of South Africa, likely strikes the most interest among western go fans.
For those of you that don't know, Andy (Zhi Yuan) Liu is well known in the AGA having a current rating of 9.37558. He's a rather young player, having been born on May 5, 1991. He won the US Open at the 2006 US Go Congress, and was the youngest player to represent the USA in the 28th World Amateur Go Championship.
Victor Chow is a strong and popular amateur from South Africa, going by the userid "RoseDuke" on a number of Internet go servers. He's famous for having beaten Yahata Koichi 6p and Sasaki Tsuyoshi 5p in the 1st pandanet open internet world rapic championship of 2005. He is known especially for his distinctive style, particularly in his fuseki, which is backed by tremendous reading ability.
Today's game is not much of an exception, Victor starting the game off with the 5-5 point, and going for an apparent influence oriented strategy. Despite his creativity, though, it wasn't enough to defeat Andy, the great Big Bad Wolf of KGS!