The 9th Tong Yang Life Insurance Cup : "quesques" and "ty619" go on
It's so refreshing to discover new players with outstanding performances. As I already said, I knew nothing about "quesques" and "ty619" before this tournament. They both charmed me these days with every game they have played. Because "ty619" was once in the spotlight, when he beat "upset1", let's see today what "quesques" can do. He is a player of classical structure who made great progress. His games seem to be so peaceful, because his strength is the accurate positional assessment. Hence the patience not to take unnecessary risks when the territorial balance favors him. I would say this is somewhat unusual for a Korean player. If we look at the last 3 players he has eliminated, "xg(P)", "tmch" and now "daxiang", this is a performance worthy of envy. So peaceful and though so strong. How far can he go with this style? In the second game of the day, "ty619" won convincingly against "nanako" from Japan.
"quesques" 9D (Korea) : 55 - 26 (35331 p)
"daxiang" 9 D (Wang Haoyang, 5 P, China) : 1697 - 1282 (37695 p)