The 9th Tong Yang Life Insurance Cup (Last 16) : "HanSHoon" vs. "ty619"
I don't know what criteria they used to choose the two players who play under their real names, but it seems that Tygem made the best choice. "HanSHoon" (Han Sanghoon, 5P, Korea) and "jiangwj" (Jiang Weijie, 5P,China) had phenomenal success lately. Han was very close to win the 12th LG Cup, in 2008, when he won the first game against Lee Sedol. Now is Jiang's turn to be in the 16th LG Cup final, against another sacred master, Lee Changho. Just a few days ago, Jiang won the Chinese 24th Mingren against Kong Jie. We'll see "jiangwj" later, as he is waiting to meet the mysterious Tygem favorite "boss(P)" , on December 12th. "HanSHoon" went into action today, in the last 16, against "ty619", a revelation of this tournament. I cannot figure out exactly why Han spent so much time for 45 at D7, a kind of normal move. Obviously, he had not liked something and he used all his time for that move. I think it was some kind of record going into extra time so early. The most exciting moment was when Han played 81 at B4 ! It was a shock for everyone. Someone asked "What is it?" and a 5D viewer answered "It is just a move to gain time". The viewers comments were all wrong. B4 ! was a brilliancy, as it turned out several moves later in the final sequence of the game. What a savor to see something totally unexpected and beautiful as that ending was! In the other game of the day, "hope(P)"(China) defeated "Dcember(P)"(Korea).
"HanSHoon" (Han Sanghoon, 5P, Korea)
"ty619" 9D (China) : 78 - 24 (36474 p) 21 - 4 before this game