The 9th Tong Yang Life Insurance Cup (Last 8) : "ddcg" vs. "allKO(P)"
In the previous article, I said that the most painful way to lose a game is by half a point, because the loser doesn't know if he was really guilty of something. Let me add now that losing by 1,5 p can be just as painful. I suspect that "allKO(P)" thinks the same, after today's game against "ddcg". There were two moves that caught my attention, both in the opening stage. The first was black 15 at R11, instead of the classical R12. It should be noted that this move is gaining more ground these days. The second was black 35 at M4 ! It worked perfectly and it seemed to me that white was very bothered by this counter, which disrupted his natural further development. "ddcg" confirms once again his reputation as a "giant killer". Nevertheless, he is a Tygem giant too. Does he give us any clue, with these four letters, about his real name? It's been a while since we try to find out who he is. I feel so sorry for "allKO(P)", but "ddcg" was better today, even if only by a glimpse.
"ddcg" 9D (China) : 891 - 335 (38843 p) 6 - 0 last games (including another win against "idontca1")
"allKO(P)" 9D (Chen Yaoye, 9P, China) : 585 - 254 (37788 p)