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Servers | KGS | I suggest to kill such programmers!

2009-10-08 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (1.7)  21 ratings

I suggest to kill such programmers!

Who made this stupid program?
If you cannot make a good programm, or if it's not yet ready, why do
you put it on KGS? Do you want to spoil the pleasure we get from Go?

Delete it from our server, please, if you read this message.


2009-10-14 05:10
Well, cbc. The stopgo account seems only active in the Computer Go room. A room intended for testing and discussing computer go. So I believe people entering this room knows what there are in for. ;) This is one of the things that make this article by Dinerschtein seems to be very of base.
2009-10-13 10:10
Well, at least the original post was a sensation! I do think such a work in progress as this program should come with a clear disclaimer at least, and ideally there would be some guidelines for what bots are allowed on KGS. In this case I'd say 'kill the program', not the programmers.
2009-10-13 03:10
Peter Dijkema said:
> To test his product in the net,
> a polite programmer produces a resign option."

But KGS has a resign option. Since we are talking about a free game, no-one is forcing anybody to complete the game. People know what they are getting into beforehand, and if the game becomes to silly, one can simply resign it, which has no real effect when you play a free game on KGS.

We are not talking about luring a player into a forced game of doom.

To address Dinerschteins comment directly here. This is not spoiling anybodies pleasure of playing Go. No-one forced anybody to play that game, and no-one forced Dinerschtein to waste his time either watching it, or producing this article.

This might be suitable for a random post at a forum, but is not suitable as an article on this site in my opinion.

I like this site though, it is one of the few Go-sites I check daily. And I value that people spend time to make these articles. There are a lot of interesting games to watch.

But maybe the wording on this article is what has thrown most people of.

Maybe if it was made more in a humorous tone it could have produced a slight "giggle" in some people and actually given the go-bot programmer some positive attention that he might have needed to get feedback and help developing his program.
2009-10-12 08:10
Wow - this posting was really rude. Bots are clearly marked on KGS, and nobody is getting tricked into playing them. Someone is obviously putting a lot of effort into getting started with a go playing program, and we should be encouraging them. I'm not going to waste my time playing a 40k bot, but having it online may provide some value to the author and to anyone who he can recruit to help test it.
Peter Dijkema
3k ( NL ) 2009-10-12 02:10
But basicly, Alexander is right - of course - in his implication: To test his product in the net, a polite programmer produces a resign option.
Peter Dijkema
3k ( NL ) 2009-10-12 02:10
Grats on very large win. The bug looks like one in first computer EC in Grenoble 1987. Goliath 2 was winning against Goliath 1, but when it started to take its own liberties, including the eyes, it lost the 9x9 final by maximum margin. Mark Boon repaired the bug, but lost the 19x19 title next day on time. However, next he won the WC's 1989-1991.
4d ( DE ) 2009-10-11 01:10
This was one of the lamest "Go sensations" ever...
Peter Cook
4d ( US ) 2009-10-10 11:10
Give the programmer a break. He's clearly just starting making this thing if you look at his website. It is not allowed to play ranked games.
So just resign if it's annoying.
10k 2009-10-10 04:10
get a life !
it is only a program, and not its fault if someone like stoic plays with it. or does mr dinerchstein really assume that stoic did not realize the weakness after the 6th move? so i think also top players may fool around to the likeing of mr dinerchstein or not.
2d ( UA ) 2009-10-10 11:10
It's not go sensation...
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