2009-11-13 12:11
There is currently only a windows client. But I do think people have gotten wbaduk to work with wine in linux.
There should be something about that on senseis library.
5k 2009-11-12 10:11
Does ORO only work with Windows? Or is there also a Mac/Unix Client?
2009-11-12 05:11
Well yes, that the emails sent by CyberOro got picked up as spam by peoples spamfilters.
In any case, both me and two of my friends registered around the same time without any problems.
But at least it works now for everybody..
2009-11-12 10:11
To spamfilters? I guess, they did not send any e-mail at all. I heard about players, who tried to register 10+ times, using different emails
2009-11-12 04:11
This must be a mistake, I registered fine on CyberOro less then half a year ago.
People may have gotten confirmation emails in their spamfilter though. And yes, it was a cumbersome way to register. But hardly impossible.
I am looking forward to the new revamped website, now with the new "wbaduk" look.
Hopefully more people will begin to log the world server as well.
4k 2009-11-12 12:11
I have registered on Cyberoro around 2 years ago and everything was fine =) What's the problem?
2009-11-11 10:11
"For several years it was not possible to register on Cyberoro"
Is this a joke? LOL
1k ( ZA ) 2009-11-11 08:11
It was possible, but very difficult. Very pleased to hear they've made it easier!