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Servers | Dragongoserver | Korean-style Insei League. Now also on DGS (as separated event)!

2010-04-23 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (5)  3 ratings

Korean-style Insei League. Now also on DGS (as separated event)!

Recently I got several emails, similar to this one:
"We were talking about how the insei league seems really cool . . . but as guys with jobs and kids there's just no way we could ever play 12 games a month + do lectures + do teaching games.  Well, without getting divorced or fired.  To spend $95 a month is nothing . . . it's finding the time that's the real trick.
Is there a way something similar could be done on DGS?"

So, we decided to start the separated project on DGS. Any players from 10-kyu to 7-dan are welcome to take part!

DGS Insei League: http://dgs.insei-league.com/

Duration: 3 months (we start as soon as we find enough members)
4 inseis per group plus 2 teachers (Alexandr Dinerchtein and Natalya Kovaleva),
2 games between each insei,
2 games with the each teacher.
10 games in total.

All members get the access to Insei League room on KGS - they can watch all
lectures (20+ every month) and simultaneous (60+ every month).

Winners in every group decided by the highest number of wins

Regular membership:
Each insei decides the single game he wants to review (1 review request
per person)
Entry fee - $95 in total for 3 months (4 teaching games,1 offline review, KGS room access)

All-inclusive membership:
All games you play will be reviewed.
You can use DGS notes feature while playing and ask any questions about
the games
Entry fee - $195 in total for 3 months (4 teaching games, 10 reviews, KGS room access)

Members rotation between groups:
Best insei promotes to the stronger group, lowest - to the weaker group,
and 2 person in the middle stay in the same group.

Time control: 40 days per game with clocks running on week-ends,
it's not allowed to stop clocks during vacations. Canadian byoyomi: 10 stones per day

Handicap between inseis and teachers:
A group - even game (one as W, one as B)
B - 2 stones
C - 3 stones
D - 4 stones
E - 5 stones

A group: 1st place - $100, 2nd place - $50 (teachers can get these prizes too)
The winners of other groups get 1 teaching game (with A.Dinerchtein
or Ilya Shikshin) on KGS on any handicap they prefer.

Japanese rules, W wins in case of jigo, all games must be rated (R) games

You can register by email: backpast@gmail.com

Please mention your DGS nickname and rank, real name, country and preferred
payment method.


2010-05-03 10:05
Thx, Peter
We have 15 registered players now.
I am trying to find few more, so we can start with 5 groups as on KGS
Peter Dijkema
( NL ) 2010-05-03 05:05
Quoted the e-mail in my post at EuroGoTV.com with a link to this page. Also mentioned the new KIL on DGS at the EuroGoTV page on Facebook.
Next, I tipped two CZ 4d and a NL 2d.
2 kyu ( RU ) 2010-04-23 02:04
OK, I see that it's quite fair indeed. Thanks for the answers!
I'll try to find some free money to join this project...
2k ( CL ) 2010-04-22 10:04
I think that is fair because the costs are for 3 months o.o
So, is very fair and good for the people.
DGS have the thing that the matches takes more time as for the teachers as like for the players.
Well I really like everything that Alexander does for the go outside of asia so im very happy for this.
Robert M Gogo
2010-04-22 09:04
Yes, DGS is different and without past experience this might be a good starting point.
2010-04-22 09:04
We have 6 registered members so far, from 3d to 9k. Two of them decided to buy all-inclusive membership, so regular members will receive more than just 1 review by post
2010-04-21 05:04
If we find 50 members, each teacher will play 100 games at the same time - we will have same type of "simultaneous" effect, so handicap sounds fair.
Also, if you noticed, it's much harder to give handicap for kyu players here, comparing to KGS. They can think a lot, use real board, databases and so on.
2010-04-21 05:04
Yes, it's true and I think it's fair. For teachers it's MUCH easier to play their games on KGS.
Don't forget that you get at least 1 review -not just 1. Someone else may choose the game with you, plus we already have some all-inclusive members. They will pay for reviews, and you will get your copy free of charge.

One more thing: Don't forget that you get 3 months access to Insei League lectures, when you join DGS league. Insei League members have to pay for them every month.

2 kyu ( RU ) 2010-04-21 12:04
Am I right, that on KGS for $95 the student can get up to 8 teaching games and up to 11 reviews and on DGS for the same price he gets only 4 teaching games and 1 review?
Is it really fair?

Also on DGS there is no "simultaneous" effect in a teaching games, so grately reduced handicap seems unreasonable too.

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