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Servers | KGS | Hard to be Insei



2010-10-26 Expert: Noth1ng Rate: (5)  2 ratings

Hard to be Insei

According to his profile info, Bojim 9d is Jean-Mathieu Malouch. In European Go Database he is ranked 1 dan. It's hard to believe that european 1 dan can become 9d on kgs. Well, earlier today he defeated supertjc 8d but still Bojim plays rarely on kgs so his real rank is not stable. I believe he should be solid 6-7 dan on kgs. 

In his info written in French: "Dur Dur d'être un insei." - "Tough to be a Insei". In kibitz he said he's insei now and already spent 4 months studying Go as insei.  It's interesting to see how strong he can become after his studying.

Liu Yuanbo 2p (MilanMilan) made a review after the game. I left only his comments and variations. Enjoy!



5k ( US ) 2010-10-29 02:10
just say " wow "
2010-10-28 07:10
New name. Never heard of him before

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