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Servers | KGS | What happened with Ilya Shikshin? He was so aggressive in the past, but nowadays ...


2009-06-24 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (2.5)  2 ratings

What happened with Ilya Shikshin? He was so aggressive in the past, but nowadays ...

Ilya Shikshin (roln111 on KGS) was so aggressive in the past. His Go is changing a lot recently.
Here is an example.
White 30 is usually played at C9, but he decided to make 2 space extension, which is very-very solid, but slow.
I believe it's not a mistake - just a matter of style.
Another example of solid play is W26.

We will see can he show better results by playing peacefully soon - he will take part in Russian Open on July 4-5.


666k ( MW ) 2009-06-24 11:06
I'm really waiting for the translation. game against breakfast and roln promises to be exiting chalange. let the strongers win!

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