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Servers | KGS | Detail review: bin7674 vs himountain



2009-07-19 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (3)  4 ratings

Detail review: bin7674 vs himountain

I have the feeling that Himountain is Korean professional,
but I don't know his real name.

Game commentary: Alexander Dinerchtein,3p for http://www.go4go.net/v2/modules/alex


some dude
3k ( AT ) 2009-07-22 06:07
maybe his indian name ;)
4k kgs ( FR ) 2009-07-20 03:07
thank you for the review !

@me: he was drinking beAR ? ^^
some dude
3k ( AT ) 2009-07-19 11:07
thanks a lot for the detailed review. much appreciated!
2k ( SE ) 2009-07-19 10:07
Himountain is one of the teachers at go'n'games chinatrip this summer. He is 2p and call himself High mountain. A funny guy who is a master at trickplays. I have seen him beat a tygem 9D with at even, two stones , three stones and finally 4 stones in blitz! The 9D had 12-8 in the last 20 matches. When he played against roln111 he was watching a soccergame and drinking bear and didnt seem to pay any attention to the game.

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