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Servers | KGS | Japanese 8p Takanashi is only 7d on KGS. Is it hard for him to reach 9-dan level?


2009-10-14 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (3.5)  11 ratings

Japanese 8p Takanashi is only 7d on KGS. Is it hard for him to reach 9-dan level?

Takanashi Seiken (born in 1971) is regular 8-dan pro in Japan. He never won any titles or played in big leagues, such as Honinbo or Meijin. He plays on KGS as "takanashi" and his rank is only 7-dan. Too low for professional player, right?
The only example is sususu (Yang Huiren), but he is only 1-dan pro (and 7-dan on KGS).

Why the rank of "takanashi" is so low? I believe that even regular Japanese 8-dan pro must be able to stay on KGS 9-dan level. The main reason: he plays lot of rated games with kyu/low dan players - on big handicap. And it's very hard to beat them all.

I never saw him playing with KGS 8-9 dans. Maybe he prefers easy games.

What do you think about his strength, comparing with top KGS 9-dans, such as MilanMilan, doodle, bigbadwolf and others? Who is stronger?

Cornel was probably the strongest opponent of Takanashi on KGS. No chances for White, it seems.


2009-12-23 06:12
It seems that he is Ondrej Silt. I was wrong :(
3k ( US ) 2009-10-16 08:10
sususu is 8d
8d ( US ) 2009-10-16 06:10
Uhh, I think you're mistaken, takanashi on kgs is actually Ondrej Silt, 6dan(?).
Old Man Gamer
666d ( YE ) 2009-10-14 11:10
Go Seigen and Lee sedol also play on kgs! Trust nicks!
99p 2009-10-14 10:10
Which one? Diner or Taka?
10d ( JP ) 2009-10-14 05:10
What a weird dude.

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