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Servers | KGS | Chinese fuseki of the 21-st century!

2010-04-21 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (4.5)  4 ratings

Chinese fuseki of the 21-st century!

We all know about Low and High Chinese fuseki (invented around 1950 in China)
After that, the Mini-Chinese fuseki was invented in Japan in early 80's.
Few years ago they started to play an extension closer to komoku
(we call it Micro-Chinese fuseki).
But how about this pattern?
Why do we always have the Chinese construction on the side?
It works well (Black proved it) even in the center!

Chinese fuseki fans, why don't you try this pattern?


9d ( US ) 2010-04-30 05:04
hahaha...i laughed as i clicked through the moves and hit move 5...
2010-04-28 05:04
We were talking about pros, weren't we?
3d ( FI ) 2010-04-27 10:04
OK then, you were assuming that you're a strong player yourself...
2010-04-26 05:04
I think they do. An 50% winrate is not too bad. :)
3d ( FI ) 2010-04-24 09:04
Normal openings don't work all that better against "strong opponents", either...
2010-04-23 04:04
IMO there's a reason pros rarely play such openings: they don't work well against strong opponents.
5kyu ( US ) 2010-04-21 10:04
Seems like a huge untapped area - middle board fuseki. I'm still trying to get by with normal fuseki though hehe.

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