4D+ ( CA ) 2010-10-26 08:10
Seems to me w R19 at S18 would have made live, b shortage on R16 group prevent b from the kill.
W S18-T17-S16-T16-T18-T15-O18
B need connect at P14 w alive.
W S18-O18-T15-T16-T17-T14-T19
w alive.
I could add more variation but I think I covered the most basics ones here.
Was a nice game though.
2010-10-19 05:10
A question: "How is go-life in Finland? Is there a healthy community of players?"
6d ( RU ) 2010-10-04 01:10
He studied in Lee Ki Bong Interbational baduk academy in Korea when I visited Korea last time. Javier was 6d already and trying hard to become stronger.
For interview: what did he do to enter Yoo Changhyuk's Baduk School? Did he learn korean?
( PT ) 2010-10-03 03:10
Hello! Please don't forget the classic question: "do you have any advice for our readers on how to improve?" :)
1 kyu 2010-10-03 06:10
Hi, I'd lie know what Go for him? Is it hobby or profession? Does he want to become a pro player and earn money from Go?
2kyu ( DE ) 2010-10-02 01:10
for me it would be really interesting to know, what is his Proverb/ Maxime by his play??
or doesnt have any one??