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Servers | KGS | "roln111", 8-dan: Get Strong At Gote!



2009-02-20 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (4)  5 ratings

"roln111", 8-dan: Get Strong At Gote!

From the Senseis Library

Death in gote
  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Life & Death

There is a saying in Go: that there is a 'fate worse than death'.
If you blindly continue to add stones to a dying, hopeless group, you may die in gote. That is, you may play a move that doesn't even threaten to live. Your opponent can play tenuki, and your group still can't live.

 Who set the difficulty level as "Beginner"? He was completely wrong.
Here is an example from the recent KGS game.
"roln111", 8-dan was killed in sente!

His opponent is "somerville", 8-dan. We know him as Yang Huiren, 1p in real life.

Game commentary: Alexander Dinerchtein for Go4Go V.I.P. members
More reviews from Go4Go are available here: Go4Go


2009-02-23 07:02
"put down other players"? everyone makes mistakes at some point. this is just a bit of fun...
2009-02-21 06:02
yet more trash trying to put down other players, well done

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