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Servers | KGS | Insei League (March) results. Inseis are improving quickly!

2010-04-02 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (3)  5 ratings

Insei League (March) results. Inseis are improving quickly!

We just finished our March League.
Inseis did much better this time!
In January, for example, teachers lost only 10 games in total.
In March they lost 21 game! 
In January, teachers got almost all prizes in all groups. Here is the list of prize winners in March:
A: shared 1st place: Fredda and Artem92, 3rd -danigabi
B: 1-Rus172, 2-Fedor
C: 1-Texmurphy, 2-DRhazar
D: 1-roln111, 2-Lodurr
E: 1-roln111, 2-breakfast 
Kill-All Go: 1-Arlequ1, 2-Texmurphy

The fight for the 1st place was very interesting in A group. Fredda and Artem both showed 90% score, danigabi was 3rd with 89%, roln111 -4th with 88%, breakfast - 5th with 87%

We had 22 lectures in total - by Korean professionals and top European amateurs

I am sure, most inseis enjoyed our league.
Texmurphy (Hungary, C group), for example, got 8 teaching games, 5 offline reviews, 2 (or maybe even more) online reviews and even earned some money, because of his good results in Kill-All division and C group.
He was promoted to B group in April.

Here is the current situation:
A group is completely filled - no empty spots here. But we have 1 empty place in B, C, D and E groups (4 spots in total)
So, if you plan to take part in our League - please register now!


2010-04-03 11:04
in league B, like Fedor didn't have 12 insei games, Roln111 must get prize too, isn't it ?
2010-04-03 12:04
Correction: no way for Artem92 to get the prize, because he played less than 12 insei vs insei games.
So, if we talk about prizes in A group:
1- Fredda
2- danigabi
3- roln111
Sorry about this mistake
- 2010-04-02 09:04
the archive section on the insei-league webpage has different results than you have posted here (at least for group A). Are the last few games not included in the results table?
2010-04-02 08:04
Last place in B group also occupied now
2010-04-02 01:04
C group place is occupied one.
We have one in B, one in D, one in E

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