Last round of 32: DangYiFei 4p vs kkttddww 9d
It's not clear what criteria Tygem uses to choose players
who play under their real names in the tournament. Last year it was YHPak (Park Young Hun, 9p, Korea), HanSHoon (Han Sanghoon, 7p, Korea)
and jiangwj (Jiang Weijie, 9P,China). Best result showed YHPak 9p reaching
the semifinals and losing to gjopok 9d.
I believe it's always hard to play under your real
name since the opponent knows your style of playing and can prepare for the
game beforehand. This year a Chinese prodigy Dang Yifei 4p was chosen to
play under his real name. He is only 17 years old but already
reached the finals of the 4th BC Card Cup, defeating on his way top
players including Lee Sedol 9p. In finals Dang lost to Baek Hongsuk 9p, in
an even match 1-3. He still needs to gain experience to win such serious games
as finals of the international tournaments. I bet we'll see him very soon; his
whole life is before him.
Dang Yifei 4p and his opponent kkttddww 9d were both
seeded for the last round of 32. I didn't find much information about Korean
player kkttddww 9d. He's definitely one of the top pro players, he plays a lot
on Tygem and only against top Tygem players. Yesterday, for instance he
defeated daxiang 9d (Wang Haoyang, 6p, China) 3 times in a row.
The opening was rather peaceful, both players prepared
for a long war. Such games are usually decided in yose and in the end Dang lost
the game by 2.5 points.
Last 32 results:
qdd(P) -
All_Kill 9d
OneFlySea 9d -
xg(P) -
gunguntoy 9d
(All 3 Chinese players were qualified from the
Soul(P) -
piao(P) (I lost
here 100.000 betting points, all the stats was in favor of Chinese player
piao(P) but apparently you can't always rely on the game records)
Soul(P) - 80 wins / 90 loses. Last 20 games: 2 wins
/ 18 losses. RP: 34421
piao(P) - 103 wins / 75 loses/ Last 20 games: 11 wins / 9
loses. RP: 35514
CrazyAga 9d -
daxiang 9d -
ManTou(P), (daxiang, Wang Haoyang, 6p, China)
Lurk(P) -
gjopok 9d, (gjopok, Tygem King of Kings of
the last year sensationally lost in the first round! Lurk(P) has a photo of himself
in the avatar but I couldn't guess his name, maybe you know?)
LCM(P) -
dbfwlsd(P) -
MIALBJ(P) (dbfwlsd(P), was the only Korean
player who qualified from preliminaries)
ddcg 9d -
BangQiu(P), (ddcg 9d, Tingyu Fan 3p)
Dcember(P) -
930115 9d, (930115 9d, Tang Weixing, 3P)
LeeHS3 9d -
love0805 9d, (LeeHS3, Lee HeeSung 8p - ?)
Schedule for Last 32:
2012story 9d -
albty 9d
idontca1 9d -
tmch 9d
biohazard 9d -