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Servers | IGS | Archive: Cho U, 9-dan on IGS! Now we know his secret account!



2009-03-29 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (4.5)  2 ratings

Archive: Cho U, 9-dan on IGS! Now we know his secret account!

Cho U played on IGS as PIKO.
PIKO had 6-0 score with "up", who is WAGC winner Ha Sangbong.
I guess there are not many Japanese pros, who can beat him by 6-0 (they even
played without komi, because PIKO's rank was always higher)
PIKO: 184 wins -79 losses, 8-dan
Last access: March 12, 2002

I decided to show Cho U's game with "tyutyu", who is Kiyonari Tetsuya, 9-dan pro from Kansai Kiin.
Please check how he saved his group on the top. It was brilliant, but sometimes it's better to die :)


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