Teams from
Russia and Ukraine faced off online June 19, 2009. The games were held in the Russian Go ClubKGS room. Time limits were 40 minutes main time plus 4 periods of 40
seconds byo-yomi for each player. Ukraine won over Russia 14 : 11.
The result is not surprising. Over recent years a lot of strong Ukrainian
players appeared on European Go scene. Ukrainian Go Federation invested in
youth Go and the result was not slow to arrive. Artem won several times
European Youth Go Championship under 18 years old. In Russia the situation is
different. Russian sportsmen dominated in Europe in the last years but I don't
see new rising stars. On KGS Russian top players are well known: breakfast,
redrose, Diplomat, roln111 but there are no new names.
In this game Oleg had a good perspective position but didn't manage to keep the
game in his favor. Artem's counterattacks split black's groups and Oleg could
not save them.
Results for the rest of the games can be found at