[tournament] _ Little Golem Championship
Current Little Golem Championship (#7) started in September last year. It is organized in Leagues and there are currently 6 of them. Each league is organized in Groups of mostly 8-9 players. There are 37 groups in all leagues in total. The top group is Group 1 in League: 1. Nao is in the lead with 14 points, then Xaver Gubas with 10 (Son=48) and Hsu also with 10 (Son=36). There are 6 games in progress. A surprising game was played in League 2 Group 1: 933748. "David" 5k won against "Goliath" 5d with no handicaps! Another surprise was that the previous Championship #6 winner Ning Li timed out all his games in the current championship. What happened?? Source: http://www.littlegolem.net, Go Championships