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Servers | KGS | Artem Vs Danigabi. My advice for handicap.

2009-06-20 Expert: GabrielB Rate: (3.7)  6 ratings

Artem Vs Danigabi. My advice for handicap.

This is my first post as a GoSensations expert and i will introduce with a game of mine. I played the famous artem recently a 2 handicap game with my account "danigabi".


Most people, as black, play handicap with the wrong mindset. Most of the time, handicap players want to capitalize the stone advantage in points as soon as posible, making defensive moves in the corners, and trying to take territory as soon as possible. That is the best thing that could happen for white!.

The winning strategy in handicap is always play for thickness. Make walls and if you can force white into taking territory early, the game is as good as won. With thickness, you can attack, you can make a huge moyo.

In this game black didnt have a hard time as white played for territory very early in the game, and black could solidify a territorial advantage by simply attacking and making a moyo. Whites invasions and reductions were successful in the sense that black did not kill or captured stones, but blacks advantage when yose started was around 20 points.


1k 2009-08-06 11:08
"The winning strategy in handicap is always play for thickness. Make walls and if you can force white into taking territory early, the game is as good as won. With thickness, you can attack, you can make a huge moyo."

H5 directs white into the wall at P, destroying his moyo, however by driving towards blacks own thickness he resticts white from obtaining much territory.

However black gains a lot on the left side.

Well played Gab

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