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Servers | KGS | First 9d from Norway?

2010-01-20 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (5)  1 ratings

First 9d from Norway?

Just got this message from one of KGS users:
"If you have seen the new 9d account called "Norway9d" I can somewhat speculate that it is an alt of Pete Liu (MilanMilan). He uses the chinese client, and Pete is comming to Norway next week to hold a workshop. So he might be preparing for that is some kind of way."

Probably it was better to call himself "OsloOslo" :)


1 kyu 2010-01-24 02:01
I believe it's Jack Jin 2p as he has similar account finish9d.
4d ( BM ) 2010-01-21 10:01
Pete Liu always uses English client.
Though he does have other "hidden" playing accounts on kgs.
2010-01-20 11:01
Maybe it is a play on "finnish8d". ;)
5k ( US ) 2010-01-20 04:01
JeffChang confirmed it's not Pete.
Must be someone else from his party though.

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