Xsfye is kind of a funny player on Tygem. He won 202 games, and lost none! But ... he started as 18 kyu - it's the lowest rank on Tygem. However, the way Tygem works with its ranking system, if you win a bunch consecutively, you can actually skip two ranks. So, xsfye skipped the rank of 8d, and has played no games as 9d.
So while he is 9d on Tygem, he has only played other 7d players. Here is one of xsfye's recent games
His opponents didn't have significantly good stats, so I didn't list them. xsfye's stats are pretty basic: He's 202-0, and he has 36024 ranking points.
What do you think about xsfye? Is he professional? Or even top professional?
My personal opinion: he is not stronger than European 6d or KGS 7d