'ToTxToT' - new KGS 8-dan!
registered on KGS a couple of months ago, and he quickly reached 6-dan by
giving handicap to kyu and low-dan players (winning those games by time). In
his first game against a truly strong opponent ('MoyoMan' 8d), he received two
handicap stones and lost, so he stopped playing for a while.
started playing again this month, and this time he showed better results: he
won against 'thehimazin' 6d in an even game, and later he even beat a 4d after
giving him four handicap stones, which made him [8d?].
he played two games against 'xxxstar' 7d (strong amateur from Taiwan).
'ToTxToT' won the first game, and lost the second one (you can see their last
game here). The fuseki was similar in both games: Black played the 'second best
sanrensei', according to Go Seigen.
weak group at the left was the main focus of the game. Black got too much
territory at the top left by attacking, so even if at move 200 White connects
at M15 to make sure his group lives, he would still be behind by nearly 20
points. In the end of the game, a big semeai appeared, but it was just White's
desperation, nothing for Black to fear. 'ToTxToT' resigned after move 227, and
he finally got a solid rank, 8d. The question is: can he keep it?