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Servers | KGS | An interview with Kim Youngsam ('Korondo' 9d on KGS)


2011-06-16 Expert: DanielTom Rate: (5)  16 ratings

An interview with Kim Youngsam ('Korondo' 9d on KGS)

 We are happy to present our readers with an interview (made possible by the help of Diana Koszegi) with one of the strongest players on KGS, Kim Youngsam (aka 'Korondo').


Q.  Can you tell us a bit about your experience as a yonguseng [insei] in Korea?

A.  All yonguseng players are very strong; therefore I was lucky to have the chance to enjoy many difficult games. However, the competition is really tough so, to be honest, I didn't really like to be yonguseng. It's too hard... :-)

Q.  Did you beat any famous player (who may now be a pro) when you were a yonguseng? Who were the strongest players that you beat?

A.  There is a new pro, his name is Lee Dong-hun. He is the youngest pro now, only 13 years-old; he was my student.


Q.  Have you given up trying to become a professional? What are your goals now?

A.  No, I still want to become pro, but there are so many amateur players stronger than me that it might be impossible.

Actually, I would like to go to another country and live there, so I also want to improve my English.


Q.  You are presently working at BIBA (Blackie's International Baduk Academy), which seems like a good choice for players who want to improve and study Go in Korea; please tell us more about that academy.

A.  It is a new International Baduk Academy, directed by Kim Seung-jun 9p and Diana Koszegi 1p ['zsi' on KGS].

All foreigners who want to improve their skill in Baduk are welcome. They have the opportunity to play with strong Korean kids as well. For more information about this academy, please check BIBA's blog: http://biba2011.blogspot.com/.


Q.  You are currently one of the strongest active players on KGS. In your opinion, who was your toughest opponent there so far?

A.  'Smartrobot' [Jack Jin 2p].

Q.  Could you tell us who you think is the strongest player on KGS?

A.  'BIBA2011' and 'WoonSai' [Park Young-un, former 1st class yonguseng] :-)


Q.  Do you play on other online Go Servers? (If so, under what username?)

A.  Yes, I play on Tygem, but my ID is secret. :-)


Q.  Many of our readers want to know how you got so strong at Go. Can you give us some advice on how to improve?

A.  Come to BIBA ^^

But seriously... Korean kids usually study 10 hours per a day in Baduk Academy.

I did the same for 10 years.

Otherwise I think the most important thing is to improve your reading, so my recommendation is to practice Life and Death as much as possible.


Q.  We were informed that you are going to take part in this year's European Go Congress, in Bordeaux. How are you preparing yourself for the Congress?

A.  I'm practicing my English :-) so I hope that I will be able to speak with other Baduk friends there and enjoy our time together.

Q. Do you think that you have good chances of winning the European Go Congress this year?

A.  I will try my best to win, that's my goal, but I also hope that I can make many friends.


And now, some trivia questions:

Q.  How long have you been playing Go?

A.  I was 9 years-old when I started, which is a bit late for Koreans. :-(

Q.  Do you have a favorite professional player?

A.  Choi Cheol-han 9p.

Q.  Do you have any hobbies besides Go?

A.  I really love to play soccer. Unfortunately, I got injured so I can't play as much as I used to play before. Nowadays I enjoy watching soccer, but of course I would prefer to play it myself. :-)

Q.  How are your English studies going?

A.  Well... I'm trying hard, and I can also practice English with Dia and her foreign students in BIBA. I hope that I can improve a lot till the European Go Congress.


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2011-06-23 12:06
thank you for the interview.
2011-06-21 04:06
thanks for the interview. it's much more interesting to watch high dan games on KGS where you know the players.
2011-06-19 12:06
Thx for the interview.
( PT ) 2011-06-18 01:06
@petition: I do not understand your disregard for ???phase 3??™. As Adam Smith put it: ???It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.' Besides, I think that Kim was very kind and balanced in this interview, and some of his answers were very insightful.
I am also glad that so many people liked the interview. Thanks for your comments
3k 2011-06-18 08:06
Heh, it seems the pattern on KGS is:

-Mystery 9d appears... Excitment!

-Wild speculation as mystery 9d beats strong kgs regulars

-Mystery 9d's name is revealed, and they attempt to sell something.

Not that I have a problem with folks trying to sell us stuff, it means we get to watch some good games. Maybe it's harder to build enough hype around yourself on Tygem to make it worthwhile to move on to phase 3...
2011-06-17 09:06
Thank you very much Kim Youngsam and DanielTom for this interesting interview.

I find it exciting that more and more very strong Asians are willing to come to Europe and teach.

Also I wonder why many players reveal their real names which correspond to KGS nicknames but still make a secret out of Tygem nicknames. What is it that makes secrecy on Tygem more attractive than on KGS?
2011-06-17 11:06
Thx for the interview.
Can they send us his photo, so we can add it?

I saw some of Korondo's game on KGS. Seems that it will be hard to beat him on EGC-2011. But we will try. We will have 5 from 5 best Russians (by rating) attendind EGC in France
2011-06-17 07:06
Thanks for the interesting article!

The words "10 hours per day for ten years" are really impressive 0_O

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