September Insei League results
Tournament tables of the September League are in archive now:
1.breakfast 91 point
2. aguilar 88
A group:
1.Wichmaster 111 (promoted to S)
2. WVoron 96 (promoted to S)
B group:
1.Koffein 117 (promoted to A)
2.mayeck 100 (promoted to A)
C group:
1.breakfast 100
2. BlackSky 92 (promoted to B)
D group:
1.breakfast 100
2.solaris 87
As usual we have cash prizes: USD 100 for the first place, USD 50 - for the second
He played 34 insei vs insei games in September. Koffein was 3 games ahead of mayeck and 6 games ahead of Wichmaster
We will start October League in few hours and still have some vacant places - feel free to contact: