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Servers | KGS | MilanMilan is Italian amateur??? I don't think so.

2009-02-11 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (2.5)  4 ratings

MilanMilan is Italian amateur??? I don't think so.

It's fun to read about MilanMilan, 9d that he is "Italian amateur player". There are no such players in Italy.
Here is the current rating list of Italian players:

    1  Marigo Francesco         Mil  4D   2414    +3  113     T090110D
2 Minieri Davide Pad 3D 2298 -15 68 T090110D
3 Bi Xunqiang Tri 2D 2191 +4 10 T090131B
4 Garbarini Cristiano Mil 2D 2149 -15 69 T081129F
5 Zuo Wei Rom 1D 2126 +26 1 T071117E
6 Soletti Ramon Mil 1D 2123 -23 45 T081129F
7 D'Obici Giordano Rom 1D 2120 +62 18 T081129F
8 Takeda Keigo Ven 1D 2077 +2 2 T080510C
9 Predieri Fausto Reg 1K 2073 +26 34 T081129F
10 Scolavino Alessandro Bol 1D 2038 -17 34 T081129F
The strongest Italian cannot be stronger than 5d on KGS!

I am almost sure, that MilanMilan is Chinese.


6k ( AL ) 2009-02-19 07:02
finnish9d is a chinese pro or strong amateur that is one of the teachers for the shanghai go experience
2 2009-02-13 01:02
I have an assumption that MilanMilan is Peteliu 2p (tartaric 9d). I dont have real proofs, most of them are speculations so let's see if it's true or not.
5k KGS ( IT ) 2009-02-12 02:02
I agree that MilanMilan is not italian. We do not have italian pros or strong players from another country who live here.
It was a really strange sensation to read so many times that he was Italian...
5k kgs ( PL ) 2009-02-12 12:02
Warfreak; It's impossible! PLease find her name or any other proof!
2009-02-11 09:02
Do not believe in warfreak2. Fnnish9d was not from finland.
4d ( GB ) 2009-02-11 07:02
Not everyone plays in national tournaments. There was another 9d player from Finland, but not on the Finnish rating list because she was a young girl who hadn't played in any tournaments.
4k ( AU ) 2009-02-11 04:02
well AC Milan has fans all over the world - it's not hard to find some in Asia :) I'm sure.
4d ( IL ) 2009-02-11 03:02
Hmm insteresting, maybe you are right...
there are no italian pro's?

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