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Servers | KGS | From the recent LeeKibong's interview in Goama magazine


2009-03-12 Expert: Alexander Dinerchtein Rate: (4)  3 ratings

From the recent LeeKibong's interview in Goama magazine

Q: What do you think about 9-dan level players on
KGS? Can we say that all of them have professional strength?

A: They are almost professional level.  Once you are at that level it is very difficult to see the gap between player's strength.

On KGS you played lot of games with Ilya Shikshin
(roln111) and Artem Kachanovsky (artem92). What can you tell about
their levels? Which class of inseis (youngusen) can they currently be
in Korea?


A: Artem tried out for the Yonguseng once, but was not able to.  The difference between 1st group, and 10th group is very small.  10th level insei are still very strong players.

Source: Goama magazine #120 (www.gogame.info)


1d ( US ) 2009-03-15 11:03
Wait when did artem try out to be a Yonguseng?

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