Pro vs. Amateur Game Broadcasted Live on KGS
Last night on KGS there was a nice live broadcast of a game between Goh Ju Yeon 2p and Andy Liu (bigbadwolf). It was late by U.S. times, especially considering they were supposed to be playing in New York (they were playing at around 1 in the morning).
The game started off fairly normally, Black chose the underneath hane with 11 because he had the ladder, though the hane above is also possible. The game opened very conventionally, Black chose P15 with 23 to take sente then played 25 and 27 to get a big moyo on the left side. White 30 was a very solid move. After the exchange of big points with 31 and 32, Black invaded at 33. With the result up to 54, I feel like Black had a big success. He made several points in White's area and took sente. Also White's wall seems exactly useless. Next when Black chose to press down on White with 55 (Q13), White pushed and cut fiercely. The result up to 67 was a Black group on the top, swallowing up the O17 stone, and White getting the corner and the left side. Personally I feel like this was better for Black, since now White's Q9 is too close to the thickness and Black has a fairly strong shape in what was White's quadrant of the board.
There is a very interesting move that stirred up a great deal of controversy among kibbitzers next. With 74, White chose to take 2 stones in gote at E1. I could not believe this move! I cannot see any reason for it. It seems far too small and slow to be played now. White makes a very nice combination of 78 (P3), 80 (N3), and 82 (N4). She is able to successfully invade Black's moyo and reduce Black to 4 points on the center bottom.
I cannot find anything too interesting or of debate in the following moves. White tries to reduce Black's moyo 96, but it doesn't seem to be enough. White also plays a few curious moves (148-158) within Black's territory, but I do not see what their purpose was or whether they obtained any benefits. There's alsoan interesting excange in the sequence from 199 to 207, but I also do not understand it either. The result is a Black win of 1.5 points. We can see that Andy Liu is quite the pro killer recently.