Hwang Inseong - new teacher of the Insei League
Hwang Inseong (on the right), my former classmate and ex Hankuk Kiwon insei of the 1st class will replace Ilya Shikshin in the supergroup and A group of the Insei League. Ilya will return to Korea soon and will try to pass pro exams, so he will be very busy. We will probably see Ilya reviewing the games, instead of giving simultaneous.
Hwang will also play some friendship (non-tournament) games with lower groups inseis
Natalya Kovaleva (Nata on KGS, on the left) will replace Ilya in B-E groups.
Korean ex-insei Jang Bi (gentlerain, 9d on KGS) also decided to support the League. He will play some friendship games with inseis every month.
We still have some empty spots for September League! You can register here: