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Servers | KGS | "Experience Go in China 2011" - another pro vs. pro promotional game (commented)


2011-01-16 Expert: DanielTom Rate: (5)  4 ratings

"Experience Go in China 2011" - another pro vs. pro promotional game (commented)

   Today Ben Hu 3p and Jack Jin 2p played another promotional game for "Experience Go in China 2011", the famous annual summer Go studying program held in Beijing.

   MilanMilan (Liu Yuanbo 2p) and AncientGo (Zhao Xin) were the game commentators.

   In order to make it easier for the reader to follow the commentary, I have deleted all the kibitz except MilanMilan and AncientGo's comments (the players' lines were not removed either, obviously).

    Here is what the organizers of this event are promoting:

   This year we'll have Fang Tianfeng 8p as our chief instructor, coatching with Peter liu 2p (MilanMIlan 9d),  Ben Hu 3p (lsai 9d), Jack Jin 2p (smartrobot 9d), Su Yang (Finnish8d 9d and JeffChang 9d), Zhao Xin (AncientGo 9d),  and some other professional teachers and high dan amateur teachers. Join us in the summer,  we're sure you'll get good improvement during the study with us!

   We'll invite Chen Yaoye 9p, Wang Qun 8p and Yu Ping 6p as our visiting teachers and play with some participants this summer. Besides, we also invited some famous and active players in Europe today, to teach in our program or come to visit us this summer!  Don't hesitate to join us and you'll get teaching from all the strong players!

   If you're interested, please send a private message to the organizers of our program, Finnish8d 9d and MilanMilan 9d on KGS, thanks. :)

   You can visit their website for more details:


   Apparently, the time limits were reduced because some observers couldn't follow such long games until the end.

   In any event, it was a very nice game. Enjoy!


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